I sometimes wonder how much of me is the last of the old traditional country doctor and how much of me is a doctor of the future.
Can you be both?
Best practices for health promotion among American Indians and Alaska Natives.
Walking with patients with empathy and expertise, compassion and care, for as long as it takes.
Understanding the social forces that shape health — and delivering care that attends to those forces.
To accompany someone is to go somewhere with him or her, to be present on a journey with a beginning and an end:
‘I’ll share your fate for awhile’ — and by awhile I don’t mean a little while.
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Achieving rural health equity requires patients, health workers, family caregivers, and researchers to work together to translate new knowledge into health systems and clinical care.
Alaska Natives have long held state-conferred health rights, but health care disparities persist. Social determinants of heath and socialization for scarcity suggest why.
New approaches to primary care are on the rise. One tribal health system is working towards health equity by addressing the social determinants of health through primary care.
Wherever I go, people often say:
‘Well, we already know what works in our community. Our culture is our treatment.’
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Sarah Vowell and her sister re-trace the route their Cherokee ancestors took when expelled from their own land. They reflect on their own American-ness and Cherokee-ness, and on the more difficult question: What's history good for, anyway?
After years of covering stories about medicine, NPR reporter Rebecca Perl enters the hospital as a patient. She moves from the world of healthy people into the world of sick ones. What she sees and what she learns.
Lissa Yellow Bird searches for missing people. Cold cases, mostly. People no one else is looking for. It’s not her job, but a lot of Native Americans go missing and their cases remain unsolved, so families often ask Lissa for help.